Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Apple iPhone 5 Launch: History and Verizon Dilemma !

When Verizon announced that they would offer the iPhone 4 to their customers I was very surprised, as I thought that they would have waited until June for the iPhone 5 instead. You have to wonder why Big Red customers would want to purchase 6-month old technology, when there will more than likely be a new version at the end of June?

This is certainly a dilemma for Verizon, but we know with the history of both Apple and Verizon that confusing their customers is nothing new. It will be no secret that AT&T customers will be upset that the Big Red version does not suffer from the death grip, but that still does not mean that current iPhone owners will switch.

Helena Stone from Chip Chick said that the better service on Verizon will still not force her to move to Verizon; instead she said that she will wait for the iPhone 5 to be released, which certainly seems to be what most other Apple smartphone owners will do. If you do not own an iPhone yet, then I would not wait for the iPhone 5, just go ahead and get the iPhone 4 now on Verizon and enjoy the better service, as well as having mobile hotspot support.
Having said that, this is still a huge dilemma for Verizon customers, they have waited 3 years for this, only to find that the carrier has left them with a tough decision. I find it hard to believe that Big Red will release their iPhone 4 next month, then launch the fifth-generation just over 5 months later. We had assumed that Verizon would be able to shift over 8 million iPhone’s, but releasing the phone so close to a newer version is certain to have a huge affect on that.
Do you think that Verizon has shot themselves in the foot with an early release of the iPhone?

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