Tuesday, December 14, 2010

iOS 4.3 Will Be Availiable On Thursday December 9th !

As reported by GadgetAndGizmos, Apple could release the iOS 4.3 for iPhone and iPad Thursday, December 9. The date is not accidental, because on that day Sony will officially present its PSPhone.

The new iOS 4.3 should fix some small bugs in the previous firmware and above all implement new purchasing opportunities for magazines on iTunes.

To date, in fact, you can not buy tickets directly from the App Store, but this function is the intent of Apple for months. Not surprisingly, in recent weeks, have made increasingly dense meetings with various U.S. publishers, some of which, however, does not see a good degree the conditions imposed by Apple (who pocket 30% on each subscription sold).

Moreover, in recent weeks, there was talk of a possible press conference that Apple would keep its December 9 and that, at this point, we can say with certainty, there will be. But there could be the surprise of the firmware 4.3

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