Sunday, October 24, 2010

TinyUmbrella 4.1.12 now availiable with new bug fixes and features on [windows,mac,linux]

 TinyUmbrella 4.1.12 has been released with many bugfixes and features. BTW Check out the FAQ above or in the quick links under HELP!

Full details to follow.

TinyUmbrella 4.1.12 introduces the following changes:
  • Click on 'Show All SHSHs' button 'Save SHSH' will change to 'Save All SHSHs'
  • Now, clicking the right mouse button on a device in recovery mode, we use the 'Recovery Exit' to exit the terminal mode.
  • You can now change the name of a previously connected device. Just click twice on one of the devices known to proceed with the name change.
TinyUmbrella 4.1.12 You can download from the links, of course, choosing one that works with your operating system:
  • TinyUmbrella 4.1.12 (Windows)
  • TinyUmbrella 4.1.12 (Mac)
  • TinyUmbrella 4.1.12 (Linux)
Recall that Apple is planning to issue a new update that will correct IOS used by the exploit in Geohot Limera1n, turning it the jailbreak done with this tool from tethered to untethered. Just to avoid this and not be forced to upgrade their device, thus losing any possibility of jailbreak is highly recommended that you save the certificate SHSH.

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