Sunday, October 17, 2010

SeeSee: the application that mimics the iPhone's photo gallery Windows OS 7 Phone | AppStore

A few days ago is available in the App Store SeeSee, an application that has a really interesting graphic that allows you to manage your photos into different "folders". In fact, not just start the application you'll immediately notice a certain similarity with the graphical interface of Windows OS 7 Phone.
Both the graphics and animations included in the application accurately reproduce the application for photo management integrated in Windows OS Phone 7. Besides the possibility of displaying photos and video will also be possible to manage multimedia files in different folders that can create and drop through the Edit button which can be found by scrolling down.
To move photos from one folder to another will not have to do is stop for more than two seconds on a photo and then a menu will appear at the bottom that will allow you to choose, after you click "Copy to", the folder in which to copy all the photos you select. Furthermore, shifting the view on the home page to the left we have the ability to:
  • Set a passcode to view photo / video folder private;
  • Ability to enable sharing of photos on your PC / Mac through the browser (you must have the device and the PC are connected to the same wifi network), with the ability to upload photos directly from your PC / Mac;
Here are the main characteristics of the application:
  • View your photos in full resolution with no compression and loss of quality [on the iPhone 3G and 2G iPodTouch the resolution is limited to 1600 because of low memory available]
  • Quick amount of photos and videos from camera roll;
  • Import HD video without loss of quality;
  • View photos directly from camera roll;
  • Add, Delete and Rearrange albums, edit the name of the album and properties, move or delete pictures and video;
  • Download and Upload your photos and videos via Wi-Fi access in all folders and custom photographic film;
  • Accept packets. Zip during download, you can upload many pictures in one click! The progress bar is displayed on your device while you upload;
  • Changes made via the web will be applied in sync on the device;
  • Passcode protection to protect the album and the operations of admin;
  • Full support to the Retina Display;
  • Very beautiful 3D animations.
I mean, really fantastic application that I strongly recommend you try. SeeSee is compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, requires firmware version 4.0 or later and is localized in English.

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