Monday, August 23, 2010

Finally, iMac Touch Shows up in Apple Patent

Patently Apple has reported a new Apple Patent which shows the possibility of a touch enabled Mac called "iMac Touch" which was rumored and floating on the web DigiTimes. This iMac can be used under Mac OS X and also enables the user to switch to iOS when sliding the computer down for touch input. It has a stand, when you slide it down, you can change it to iOS interface and start using it as a desktop iPad.

The transition is activated by the accelerometer as earlier described. What’s new here is that you’ll be able to control the threshold determining when the iMac’s transition from OS X to iOS will occur. Meaning, you could for example, set the threshold angle to 60 degrees to call up iOS or at 90 degrees or higher to recall OS X mode.
As you know, this is just a patent but it's totally true and can be done by Apple especially that there were rumors floating around the web back in January!
This patent also shows a MacBook Tablet that acts just like the iMac and can switch from OS X to iOS, but this looking just like a tablet. The iMac Touch would be much better! So, when should we expect from Apple those devices?

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