Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Microsoft is developing a competitor to the Apple TV 4

Microsoft is developing a competitor to the Apple TV 4, the Redmond company considering that the product from Apple has the potential to steal clients, such as ready to bring to market a device that to compete effectively with him.

According to some information, in the course of this day, Microsoft would prepare to launch a smaller version of the XBOX ONE, one with lower processing power than the current console, but one which will have a price similar to that of Apple TV 4.

This version of the XBOX ONE would be able to run Windows-only games available in the Store, so it will not allow the use of the games created by the major companies producing games and sold on DVDs in the entire world, so the functionality will be limited.

Microsoft now sells the XBOX One at prices that begin at $ 350 in most stores in the u.s., that while Apple TV 4 has a basic price of 150 dollars, a difference of $200 can persuade many people to choose the product from Apple.

The Xbox may also receive an update next year, rumors of an Xbox slim style device picked up late 2015. I have heard from internal sources that the company is considering plans for a lightweight Xbox One that may only be for Windows store games and would compete with the Apple TV. 

Smaller version of the XBOX One will certainly be able to play multimedia content and provide access to multimedia content stores, and if the sale price will be $ 150 or less, then Apple will have serious problems in convincing people to buy Apple TV 4.

Although the idea of the Microsoft seems interesting, it is rumored that the new product would arrive on the market until the end of the year 2016, and then Apple will be able to develop an Apple TV 5 to make functions more attractive,but it remains to be seen what will decide the ones in Redmond.

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