Monday, November 30, 2015

Samsung patented a flexible smartphone with the iPod app on the home screen

Samsung is the project Project Valley is developing a flexible smartphone. The new patent application published on Monday, the Patent Office and Trademark Office US, describes the construction of such a device. Users on the network is not so much interested in the unusual properties of the gadget as an application, which the company "set" the device.

According to the proposal Samsung, the company is developing a smartphone that can be folded like a wallet. The gadget with a flexible body, according to developers, is easy to carry in a jacket pocket or pants. The illustrations to the application designers Samsung apart from the usual application WhatsApp, Phone and Messages posted iPod - firmware application Apple, which is preinstalled on the iPhone in the first versions.

This patent is fairly new. Application has been made in South Korea in May 2014 - after the commencement of litigation between Apple and Samsung. The latest versions of iOS, as we know, Apple has refused the application iPod, replacing it with the application "Music".

Apple and Samsung patent war are in many countries. The litigation has been going on for years. The first US-based lawsuit filed in April 2011, when the company Steve Jobs accused Samsung of copying the design of their devices. The South Korean manufacturer has filed a series of counterclaims in several countries, including the US, Germany and Australia.

In the past, Apple has accused the South Korean manufacturer of "systematic copying of its products" and demanded compensation of $ 2 billion. The court ordered Samsung to pay $ 1 billion for infringement of five patents.

Experts say that Apple could attach this patent to material litigation with Samsung. Will the company use this application as another argument against his rival is still unknown.

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