Friday, October 9, 2015

The test system of optical stabilization: iPhone 6s against Samsung Galaxy S6

As has been mentioned, since the launch of sales of new models of mobile devices, network filled with all kinds of rollers with tests and trials on new products. Recently, another experiment conducted bloggers from PhoneArena.

Their "experimental" became flagship smartphone iPhone 6s and Samsung Galaxy S6. The subject of the test was optional optical stabilization devices. To be more precise, the image stabilization option directly endowed with only "apple" smartphone competitors also equipped with its device special optical system. Ie in this experiment compared the quality of the software against the Korean American hardware "stuffing."

As expected, because of different approaches to solving a problem, the Koreans broke the test ahead. Video captured on Samsung Galaxy S6 although not much, but ahead of the quality of video, created with iPhone 6s. In particular, the video captured the Korean smartphone more "smoothly" transmits the image. Otherwise, the noticeable differences were found.

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