Saturday, October 31, 2015

Reflection, OnePlus application for IOS

Not usually something very unusual for a mobile manufacturer is entering the world of application development if not to incorporate them in their own devices but OnePlus been thinking, why not, between launch and product launch, submit a application for iOS and Android focused on photography. This application is reflection.

The idea of reflection is to use the two chambers of our iPhone to capture the full time, the two sides of the story. When you want to take a picture reflection will also make one with the camera you're not using and then give you the option of merging the two photos into one can see both sides of the moment into a single photo.

Once photos and unified in a single this will look like if X were, hence the game's name, which also evokes its latest model presented, with the sides to one of the photos and the top and lower for the other creating a striking effect at first glance. Then we can share our picture on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook photo keeping our reel.

Within the already crowded world of photographic applications reflection does not come to contribute anything groundbreaking. There are many other applications on the same basis, define a certain type of photograph own touch to then be able to share in our various and numerous social networks. Okay, it is good to vary, but ultimately that means having too many applications installed to only do one thing and end up being forgotten.

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