Friday, July 31, 2015

Safari browser provides an extra hour of MacBook battery life

Chrome browser with built-in Flash-plugin is known for its extravagance. Just a couple of animated banners in the background tab can shorten battery life MacBook, simultaneously taking away resources from more important tasks. In Safari, it implemented a number of special features designed to extend battery life. The study BatteryBox, use Chrome instead of Safari can reduce the possibility of staying MacBook away from an outlet for more than 1 hour.

"If you use Chrome on your MacBook, while the battery life is reduced by an average 1 hour average. Firefox is somewhat better, but Safari undisputed leader. You should use Safari, if you want to get maximum battery life of a laptop computer. "

In BatteryBox measure the battery power consumption when watching videos on YouTube and Netflix, surfing Reddit, Twitter and communicate in Facebook, postal correspondence in Gmail and Hotmail, searching in Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo. Tests were performed on the 13-inch MacBook Pro with the display Retina.

Safari showed an average result 6:00 21 minutes - longer than any other browsers. The result turned out to be for Firefox 5:00 29 minutes from Chrome - 5 hours and 8 minutes.

"In fact, instead of simply using Safari Browser, you get an average of an extra hour of battery life. This is a very good browser with a large number of extensions, "- the authors note study.

One of the special technologies Safari saves the charge that disables the browser to load the battery-hungry content on a web page, as long as the user begins to interact with it. Many websites display animations using energy-intensive plug-ins, which can be excessive battery power.

Safari detects when the user draws attention to the content, and when not. Animations are played in the middle of the page as usual. But if they are in the background, the function suspend their implementation. The browser will show a still picture, and the animation will not play until it is not pressed. Thus, uninteresting content does not consume battery MacBook.

I must say that Google is trying to rectify the situation with the autonomy Chrome. The company recently introduced the beta version of the browser function, which will reduce the number of Flash-rollers to the necessary minimum. Also we work hard to reduce the load on the processor in the conduct of research on the web.

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