Thursday, July 2, 2015

Apple will build a fingerprint scanner at the logo on the back of the iPhone

The Apple logo on the back of the iPhone and the iPad is no longer a mere passive element body mobile. The company's specialists are studying the possibility to make it interactive - integrated heart rate monitor, connectors, and even a fingerprint scanner.

The patent, entitled "Hidden electrical connectors" Apple experts describe uses of the logo on the cover of iPhone. The documents are a few examples: heart rate monitor, a wireless inductive charging and biometric module. Given the rumors that in the future, Apple will refuse the button "Home" smartphones inherent in patent ideas have a certain chance of realization.

Now the key "Home" is used as the menu button and touch the fingerprint scanner. If necessary, it will not, developers will be able to take the whole display front of the iPhone. Besides, it may become thinner.

Rumors that Apple wants to get rid of the buttons go since 2011. Last year, the company filed a patent application titled "Fingerprint Sensor in an electronic device," which gave the ground for further discussions. The new technology will create a virtual button "home", which can be activated by clicking on a certain area of the screen. A gesture of returning to the home screen is already used to the iPad.

In addition, it can be interactive inscription «iPhone» in the phone. And each letter will be summed own sensor which is responsible for one action.

It is unclear whether Apple will realize our plans in the next model iPhone. According to analysts, this is unlikely, as the company has traditionally focused on the redesign of the mobile hardware every two years.

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