Wednesday, July 8, 2015

37% of devices upgraded to iOS 8.4

Recently there has been published the latest version of iOS, iOS 8.4, which can be said that quite has called among all users of iOS devices, not the news or better than the operating system brings, but by updating the music application that allows us to enjoy the new streaming music service Apple music.

Many users have been tempted to try Apple Music, consequently, these users have had to upgrade their devices. The market for all iOS products are gradually upgrading to this new version, since this version supports many iOS devices.

According to some analysts, iOS 8 is installed at a minimum of 37% of all iOS devices are in use around the world. Therefore, we can give the impression that in a short time, we would see more than a third of these updated to this latest version devices.

We can not forget the counter with all updates yet , most users who have updated to this latest version was to enjoy the Apple Music Service, and thus stop using other services like Spotify.

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