Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Windows 10 Will Arrive In Summer: How Would It Affect With Users Of OS X ?

Finally Windows 10 arrives you know when ?. Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Microsoft, has announced that on 29 July Windows 10 is available for download, but how would this affect with users of OS X?

For several days the term is open to book the free upgrade to Windows 10. And as you know, for the first time in history, Microsoft launched Windows 10 as a free update for all users who have a computer with Windows 7 or higher.

 This year Microsoft is revolutionizing all, and that is if we look back we see announced that developers can tailor applications for Mac and iOS are compatible with Windows 10. But some data about the arrival of Windows 10 and how could affect users of OS X, Apple's operating system.

In 29 July 190 world markets users may get Windows 10 to their computer or upgrade for free if they have Windows 7 or higher. Moreover, as we have said before, these users can now make their reservation for a few days.

You could say that Windows 10 is the most important version of the operating system launched by Microsoft, especially when you consider the lukewarm reception that had Windows 8. The company has had to make big changes with the new version, including around start menu, the Windows Store or voice assistant Cortana.

On the other hand, Windows 10 marks a major change in strategy with regard to Microsoft operating systems. As has been told, this is the latest version launched on the market and limited to launch regular free updates to fix bugs, including improvements or new features.

Could the arrival of Windows 10 affect with Apple OS X users?

If you look at the Apple way to handles issues related to its desktop operating system we see how Mac users have long can upgrade to the latest version through the Mac App Store for free. However, the arrival of Windows 10 and that may be the last version released, leads us to think if Apple could follow suit with OS X.

For now, Apple will release new versions of its operating system, in fact it is expected to present officially in the WWDC15 with iOS 9. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that in the near future to follow in the footsteps of Microsoft with Windows 10, because the fact of going releasing periodic updates rather than a completely new version that OS X would be improving much more effectively.