Saturday, June 13, 2015

IOS 9: Apps take up less space on your iPhone and iPad

One of the most uncomfortable aspects of the devices with less storage space, such as iPhone and iPad models 16GB, is the possibility of running out of free space in no time. But we're in luck, because with iOS 9 Apple wants to "thin" to applications and take up less space on each device. How are they going to achieve it? You just have to continue reading.

Apps take up less storage space on iOS 9

One of the features that Apple is developing, virtually silent because he has not made mention of it so far, is the feature known as "App Thinning", something like "Slimming Applications" to take up less space and devices so take advantage of the limitations of some devices that have little storage space.

This function will be implemented on both iOS 9 and WatchOS 2 and the way it works is very simple. When you download an only specific will download app for your model of iPhone or iPad, that is, all data pertaining to the release of another device that is not yours, you will not be downloaded and it will ensure that each application takes up less space on the device.

Currently, each application you downloaded includes all versions to ensure proper operation in a wide range of iOS devices, whether it is an iPhone version as iPad, but is more specific to the Apple smartphone. Implementing a security function does not require much effort since the App Store would do all the necessary work.

"Resources on demand" in iOS 9 applications 

Apple is also working on another feature to its next iOS 9, which has been dubbed "resource on demand". With this new feature also aim that applications take up less space on your device or to be adjusted according to user requirements.

When a user downloads an application from the App Store, it will download the application dynamically, ie it will only download the part that you are using, the rest of application options without unloading and waiting for the user to use them. This new feature will work in the background and delete options not used if the storage space is low.

In the last Apple keynote at WWDC it was told that the update via OTA (On the Air) iOS 9 occupy less space, down from 4,6GB occupying the iOS version 8 to upgrade to occupy 1.3GB iOS 9. This change will be crucial for those devices that have less free storage space when doing the update. Although we will always recommend that you upgrade using iTunes and have the device with over 80% battery before updating.

It seems that Apple cares about iOS devices smaller space, which promises to continue betting on them with future iPhone and iPad.

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