Saturday, June 27, 2015

Apple wants to improve its Touch ID, plans to purchase innovative company.

Apparently Apple is convinced that the future of security on mobile devices will be represented by the biometric sensors with which revolutionized the market by presenting the Touch ID next to the iPhone 5S. Apparently Apple is already working on the purchase of a company that has developed "Fascinating" fingerprint technologies.

The company is planning to buy Apple Privaris, the company already transferred 26 of its 31 patents to Apple. These patents deal mainly with tiny fingerprint readers that attach to your keychain, but Privaris has a wealth of patents that could do much more useful Touch ID of the next iPhones.

To see the real importance of buying the company, tell them that one of their most important patent which relates to the possibility of using the capacity of the touch screen and fingerprint reader Touch ID at the same time, remember that there are already rumors that mention that Apple could use the biometric sensor on the screens of the new iPhones.

We all know that Apple buys many patents over time intellectual property licensing and never used, but these patents if they promise a great future for the great invention of Apple, the Touch ID.

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