Monday, May 18, 2015

Samsung won an appeal on copying the design iPhone

A federal appeals court partially overturned the decision on the claim by reviewing the compensation in favor of the Samsung Apple. The court found that the appearance of the "apple" gadget can not be copy protected.

In 2012 Themis ordered the South Korean company to pay Apple more than $ 1 billion for patent infringement. It was the use of smartphones Galaxy Apple invented such solutions as the Slide to unlock, gesture to zoom in and the design features iPhone: the button "Home" and outlines the body.

During the appeal hearings, lawyers Samsung managed to knock off up to $ 930 million. As a result of the recent decision of the Court of Appeal upheld a jury, reducing the amount of compensation to $ 382 million. The final amount of the fine will be set lower court.

The appearance of the gadgets at the same time recognized trademark, copy without authorization can be challenged in court.

Earlier, the jury ruled in favor of Apple in a lawsuit with Samsung, the South Korean manufacturer admitting guilty of violating patents. But last August, US District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California, denied Apple's request to ban the sale of Korean devices with features that violate the opinion of the jury, patent law.

Apple and Samsung are "patent war" in ten countries. The litigation has been going on for years. The first US-based lawsuit filed in April 2011, when the company Steve Jobs has accused Samsung of copying the design of their devices. The South Korean manufacturer has filed a series of counterclaims in several countries, including the US, Germany and Australia.