Wednesday, April 22, 2015

iPhone with 4-inch screen Apple will launch in 2015 ?

A few weeks days appear online rumors that give us understand that Apple plans to launch a new model of iPhone that has 4-inch screen, thus continuing the line of mid-end products to customers who do not have much money at your disposal do not want to switch to 4.7 and 5.5 inch screens, iPhone 6C is presented as a model which would occur in the fall.

Despite what appeared different from diverse sources close to Apple and beyond, an analyst with reliable information in the past about product launches Apple claims that this year we will not see a new model of any iPhone with 4-inch screen, the company Apple intending instead to offer this "surprise" only in the year 2016 for its customers.

iPhone 5S still going strong; next 4-inch likely in 2016. Shipments of 5S are still going strong at 5-7mn units every quarter, an impressive level at such a mature stage of the product cycle. Momentum is being sustained by a more affordable price and the product’s outstanding design. But we still believe it’s necessary for Apple to have a new 4-inch iPhone because: (1) it will be key to extending momentum in the 4-inch category; and (2) it could complete the Apple Pay ecosystem, assuming it is equipped with NFC. We predict a launch in 2016.

The decision not to bring a new iPhone with 4-inch screen would be based on the market that iPhone 5S still good sales records about 5-7000000 units in each fiscal quarter, this is impressive for a smartphone that has turned over 1 year of availability in the market, so Apple has no reason to find a replacement ii yet.

2016 things have a different perspective, Apple is going to need late next year a new iPhone in mid-end category, and if it reaches the market then, the Americans will implement a NFC chip and Touch ID pay for Apple to allow use of mobile payments, until then will be extended system availability.

Regarding the manufacture of a new iPhone in this category, those from Foxconn seem to be the main choice of Apple, but this probably does not surprise anyone.