Friday, March 27, 2015

Rules Is One Of The First Games Already Available For Apple Watch

Apple Watch has not been released yet, but many applications are gradually updating their support with this new device. Now we find out that in addition to the most famous applications already up to date, even the famous game "Rules!" Is already up to date and ready to run on Apple Watch.

Some important applications such as Evernote, Dark Sky, Things, etc. have been already updated with support for Apple Watch, although it takes about a month to see Apple Watch on the shelves. Now we discover that even then the famous game "Rules!" Is ready to run on Apple Watch.

This game, for those not familiar, is a puzzle game that requires skill and concentration and that puts us in front of gameplay varied and quite challenging.

On Apple Watch there will be the full game but a simplified and focused on the welfare of our brain. There will be small puzzles to solve and several daily goals to unlock.