Thursday, March 26, 2015

Apple Approves The First App For Apple Watch

Less than a month after the launch of the Apple Watch, arrive on the App Store the first applications compatible with Apple smartwatch.

Several titles like Evernote, Target or Expedia have been updated with the built-in app for Apple Watch. You will not have to do is install the app on the iPhone to have the party on Apple Watch. The app specially designed for Apple Watch (without, therefore, no link with the iPhone) will come in the future.

Among the apps are already updated, for example, Evernote. With this app, users can dictate notes directly from smartwatch, then synchronize the user account. It will also be possible to view notes created in the past and manage reminders. The app Dark Sky allow you to read the weather report on smartwatch, thanks to an interface created from scratch.

These applications that interface between iPhone and Apple Watch are structured in a way that requires very little energy to smartwatch, thereby increasing the autonomy.

Here are some other app already updated and ready for Apple Watch:
Sky Guide: allows you to view the upcoming astronomical events.

Target: Create a shopping list directly from Apple Watch and find out which stores have the things we need to buy.

NYTimes: Read news directly on Apple Watch.

Procreate: manage the color palette remote app for the iPhone. The user can use the Apple Watch to select brush and effects.

WeChat: read and respond to text messages.

SPG Starwood: app that allows you to open the doors of the rooms of various hotels Starwood directly through Apple Watch. You can also view information on the living room and the checkin.

Kitchen Stories: to read the recipes from the wrist and make a shopping list. The app also allows you to set a timer.

Babbel: the app allows you to discover new words in the language you want and do some exercises to learn them.

Transit: To view departure times of public transport.

Runtastic: Update information on physical activity and workouts.

Expedia: flight status notifications, the gate and the rooms booked. There are also signs on the map to get to the hotel booked.