Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Incredible Gains Make Apple Richer Than 141 Countries!

It 'hard to understand the incredible greatness of Apple, at least until things are not placed in their proper context. With 178 billion dollars in cash last quarter, the California company can easily be compared with the gross domestic product (GDP) of the large countries.
According to the latest figures from the World Bank, Apple, in a hypothetical ranking based on GDP, would be 55th, dethroning even Ukraine (177.431 billion dollars). New Zealand would be able to retain barely 54 th place with 185.788 billion dollars.

After earning more than any other company in history in the last quarter, some analysts believe that Apple is on track to become the first company to be a trillion dollars in terms of market capitalization.

Apple has not yet passed the evaluation of Microsoft recorded in 1999 with 640 billion dollars (870 billion dollars with inflation), but it is well on its way. Microsoft is currently very far from the California company, despite being the second largest American company with 347.5 trillion dollars