Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Samsung Has Been Selected By Apple For Manufacturing Chip A9 For iPhone 6S-7

Apple and Samsung together again in the production of processors? A new report in the Korea Economic Daily reports that the two companies have struck a new deal to produce 14 nanometer chips for Series A, present in iOS devices. The publication refers to chips as "A9" and that production will begin in 2015.

The news comes just days after Apple and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) have signed a contract for the production of A series chips starting next year, making Apple moves away further from Samsung. Earlier reports revealed that the contract with TSMC is three years and returned to manufacture both the generation A8 as well as the A9 / A9X.

Based on the news, it is not known if Apple has plans to keep both TSMC and Samsung to produce the A9 or, in his long-term strategy, aims to regain the competitor as its primary supplier of processors. After trade disputes and the courts, Apple had indicated that he would be keen to extricate our partnership with Samsung, however, the two companies continue to work together in some sectors.

The exchange of the partnership with Samsung for TSMC broke one of the major ties that still met the two competitors, but, by all indications, the South Korean company has been able to bring Apple back to your business mobile processors. With partnerships with two companies, Apple may be interested in taking advantage of any of the companies that take the lead in the production of new technologies.