Thursday, February 13, 2014

Apple Hires Another Expert At Medical Sensors For The iWatch

Apple has hired another expert in the field of medical sensors for both chatted iWatch. His name is Marcelo Malini Lamego, former CTO of Cercacor a company specializing in medical devices and according to the latest rumors, it will be part of the team responsible for the project iWatch. Let's read more after the leap.

Lamego, who started working at Apple in January has been accredited by more than 70 patent applications and granted patents related to sensors and technologies for patient monitoring. In his previous employment, he was the lead scientist involved in the development of Rainbow, a non-invasive monitoring platform.

This is not the first time that Apple has hired someone who once worked at Masimo Corporation. Last January, Michael O'Reilly former Chief Medical Officer at Masimo was hired in July 2013 by the Cupertino company.
Apple already seems therefore able to launch the long-awaited iWatch during the coming months. The new product after various rumors and rumor should focus on health and fitness. Apple certainly is working hard to avoid a flop like the Galaxy Gear. Obviously we will update you with any news.