Tuesday, December 6, 2011

H1Siri Tweak Is illegal, How To Remove It ? ( Video )

Previously, we show you how to install Siri voice assistant on iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G with H1Siri. Unfortunately the well-know iPhone developer, Chpwn has warning from H1Siri tweak due to illegal issues. So make attention and read more to get an idea about this jailbreak after the jump.

H1Siri uses proxy to access Siri, which may let others to spy on you. Precisely, by using proxy to access Siri, you may be sending your Email, SMS, Calendar, Contacts, Location, etc though that server. Moreover, H1Siri may violate Apple's copyrights to obtain needed files to port Siri on non-iPhone 4S devices. Due to this we have removed download links from our guide.

So what now ? You have to stay away from H1Siri until developer fix these issues in case they able to do this. If you already installed H1Siri on your iPhone 4 or iPod touch 4G you can go Cydia and remove it and you are safe. please let your friends know.

Guide : How to Remove H1Siri from iPhone 4 or iPod touch 4G :

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