Thursday, December 8, 2011

Download iFaith v 1.4 To Save iOS 5.0.1 SHSH Blobs [ Video ]

A new update of iFaith app has been launched by iH8sn0w, the iOS hacker and creator of sn0wBreeze. iFaith is the feature that helps to preserve your ability to downgrade firmware by saving SHSH blobs of your device.

The released update is not yet supported by Mac and is incompatible with A5 iDevices but it does support iOS versions up to 5.0.1 therefore, it is highly recommended that you should download the new iFaith app. in case if you are using Windows and have an A4 device.

As Apple has signed SHSH blobs differently in iOS 5 as compared to it’s previous versions, it has been seen that it’s nearly impossible to downgrade firmware in iOS 5 that means users cannot replay the SHSH blobs during a firmware restore. But theoretically speaking, iFaith has made downgrading possible by saving the related AP ticket along with saving the SHSH blobs.See for yourself

Apart from the above, this major update helps fixing of some major bugs and thus blob dumping has become much faster as claimed by iH8sn0w. Thus, it is highly recommended if you have an appropriate setup for the software.

Download iFaith To Save iOS 5.0.1 SHSH

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