Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lost Released Game For PC, PS3 And X360 [Screenshots+Video]

According to the television show Lost, in 2004, Oceanic Airlines flight 815 crashed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Whether you think the survivors are stranded on an island or bottled up in a different location, Ubisoft has added one more survivor to the mix in its latest adventure game. Lost: Via Domus tells a good story, but it's far too short to justify the game's price of admission.

In Lost: Via Domus, you take control of an amnesiac photojournalist who was also aboard the fateful transpacific flight. During the game you must slowly regain your identity through completing quests, talking with the other survivors, and correctly identifying clues during flashbacks. Early on you find out you had a camera on the plane with you. Evidently one of your photographs made another survivor mad enough to want to destroy the photograph and kill you. The events in the story unfold in a great parallel to the TV series. Most of the game's storyline occurs during the first two seasons of the show, but characters appearing in season three of the show are also included in encounters and exposition. The core characters are all there: Jack, Locke, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, Claire, Sun, Jin, Hurley, and Sayid. Tom, Ben, and Juliet--of the Others--appear as well to ensure that the hostile, we-were-here-before-you storyline is kept alive and well.

Screenshots for the game:
Image 1 
Image 5

Image 3 
Image 6

Image 8 
Image 9
Image 10
Image 11

Image 12 
Image 17
Image 18
Image 19
Image 20
Image 21
Image 22
Image 23

Image 28 
Image 29
Image 32
Image 34
Image 39

Image 40 
Image 41
Image 42 

Image 43 
Image 44
Image 45

Image 46 
Image 47
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Image 49 
Image 50 
And here's video for the game:
Game information:
resolution: 720p, widescreen 
sound: Dolby digital  5.1
no of players: 1 player

Technical support:
Visit Ubisoft web site at: http://www.ubisoft.com 
Official site:
Visit the official web site at: http://lostgame.us.ubi.com 

 I hope you to enjoy with the game it is really fantastic adventure in the lost land in the ocean and don't forget to press the button 4 8 15 16 23 42 :)

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