Friday, January 29, 2016

Apple developing a wireless charging system for iPhone

Apple develops a new system of charging by induction for iPhone and iPad, various Asian partners of the Cupertino being involved in the project that will allow the loading of remote in a much more useful than existing systems of wireless charging.

Wireless Charging for iPhone and iPad sounds great in theory, but Apple must think a mechanism to provide enough energy to charge to within a few meters, lowering energy power with the increasing distance from the receiver.

The project for developing a wireless charging system is yet to start and plans to implement it in Apple iPhone 7S, but for now is the way the technology is still in the analysis by Apple and its partners.

The information appears undoubtedly confirmed today that iPhone 7 will not have a wireless charging system, Apple planning to implement it in his successor and saw a multitude of patents that describe a technology deployment possibilities.

Apple Inc. is working with partners in the U.S. and Asia to develop new wireless charging technology that could be deployed on its mobile devices as soon as next year, according to people familiar with the plans. Apple is exploring cutting-edge technologies that would allow iPhones and iPads to be powered from further away than the charging mats used with current smartphones. 

Specifically, Apple could implement a hub load in case of a Mac to facilitate loading iDevice's, but equally can provide a separate box for charging through a magnetic resonance distance Charge is 1 - 2 meters.

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