Monday, November 16, 2015

Windows 10 ahead of OS X after three and a half months after release

Operating system: Windows 10 continues to spread throughout the world, and the data for November from StatCounter say that three months after the release of the platform ahead of OS X and Windows XP, climbing to third place. It happened to the appearance of the first large-scale OS upgrade, code-named Threshold 2.

Within three months, the pace of the spread of "tens" gradually slowed down, but the update release may again increase the number of those who set it, according to Microsoft. A more complete analysis of the impact of the release on Threshold 2 rates of Windows 10 you can do, the data at the end of November.

For the first 15 days of November share of Windows 10 it rose to 9.8% of the market of desktop platforms, while Windows XP has appeared mounted on 8.6% of the computers and the spread was limited to OS X 8.95% of the market.

Windows 10 is still very far from being the market leader of Windows 7, which accounts for 49.91%. Her figure had fallen below 50%, which is natural in view of the availability of a free upgrade to Windows 10. This device with Windows 7 in Redmond want to first convert to Windows 10 that after the cessation of its support is not faced with a large number of the remaining members on it, as it was the case with Windows XP. The second line of the rating retained the Windows 8.1 - 13,11% of the market.

In Microsoft confident of further strengthening the position of Windows 10, noting that the Threshold 2 allows the use of its corporate users. And Microsoft could get a huge number of potential customers at the disposal of each of which there are dozens, hundreds or even thousands of computers. The question is whether Microsoft can convince them of the need to update the operating system of your PC. Indeed, in contrast to ordinary users from corporate customers is not possible to free update to Windows 10.

It is worth noting that last week released Windows Update 10 Threshold 2 becomes the new version default. This means that it is up to her updated version of Windows 7, and 8, but not before released in July, the RTM version

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