Tuesday, November 10, 2015

iOS 10 and OS X 10.12 already tested

iOS 10 and OS X 10.12 are already being tested by Apple in Cupertino headquarters, some American engineers preparing the first major update to beta versions of iOS and OS X.

Though for now Apple iOS 9.1 barely reached and OS X versions 10.11.2 offered as public users, here already preparing iOS 10 and OS X 10.12 development process starting very early, probably because many new functions will be provided to us .
Normally iOS 10 and OS X 10.12 should be presented by Apple at the WWDC 2016 conference will take place in June next year, so until then we'll find a multitude of changes that we will be offered .

The development of iOS 10 and OS X 10.12 began timidly in September, when a small number of people testing these updates, but in November, more and more engineers of Cupertino seem to be involved in the process, so things get serious.

Currently OS X 10.12 codenamed Fuji inside Apple and the iOS 10 codename about currently no details, although probably until next spring we learn and how we call Apple's employees.

That said, from now on we can expect that Apple would turn to more attention to iOS 10 and OS X 10.12, although it has in testing iOS 9.2 and most likely will release iOS 9.3 by the end of this year, updates can bring only minor improvements.

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