Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Apple has patented the keyboard with support for 3D Touch

US Patent Office today issued Apple a patent for an interesting input device. The paper deals with the new generation of keyboards where each key is a sensor 3D Touch.

The patent, entitled as "keyboard with ultra low speed keys" has been issued by the Patent Office of the United States on Tuesday, on 3 November. The appropriate application Apple filed 28 September, 2012. The company's specialists have documented the invention of the keyboard, the main feature of which - the keys, taking into account the effect of depression.

Each key on this keyboard is a small touch panel. This feature allows it to recognize customary for trackpad gestures Force Touch. Moreover, the keys on the keyboard can capture multiple levels of depression. Thus, realized the technology used in Apple devices release in 2015 - Apple Watch, MacBook, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus.

As conceived by Apple, a strong pressing the button can be used to "enter special characters associated with each key." What lies behind the protocol description, we can only guess. The first thing that comes to mind - uppercase and lowercase letters. This would allow the keyboard to enter capital letters by pressing the buttons with little effort.

In addition to entering "alternative character" 3D Touch technology allows you to create ultra-thin keyboard. Small keystroke will compensate for tactile feedback. This technology has been applied to the MacBook: Touch trackpad notebooks is completely devoid of buttons, but provides a clear feeling of click at any point.

On the timing of the practical implementation of the new Apple keyboards are not reported.

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