Saturday, November 14, 2015

Apple has done a normal search in the App Store

As reported by TechCrunch citing development for iOS, Apple has improved ranking algorithms application in App Store. The company hones query engine, the desire to focus on the relevance and user ratings, rather than the name of the program and the key words.

Developers and users began to notice improvements in the App Store this week. Unlike the previous version of the current ranking mechanism scheme takes into account the contextual keywords, including partial matches of words that appear in the title and metadata applications.

The developers note that now for the same demands App Store features more similar and relevant topics query programs. In addition, the unpopular software whose authors choose a better name, gets a smaller rating that is strongly reflected in its position in search queries.

After studying the updated mechanics of search, creator Launch Center Pro David Barnard discovered that the App Store is working "as it is necessary." For example, the query «Twitter» Now issue on the top lines popular Twitter client Tweetbot and Twitterific. Former gear ranking did not show these applications even in the top ten, while the photo service Instagram, not related to the subject of the request, was in the top of the issuance.

Ranking in the App Store - is a set of algorithms that allows you to find exactly those programs that best meet the user's query. "You can not underestimate the role of search engines store Apple, affecting the relevance of issue" - indicates TechCrunch.

When the rankings are now more popular applications is taken into account. That is, software that download more often has a higher rating than the software with a relevant name, but fewer downloads.

App Store has more than 1.35 million applications, including 350 000 for the tablet iPad. In October last year, the store reached the 1 million mark in software, and in June this year - to 1.2 million.

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