Saturday, October 10, 2015

The flagship of the Samsung Galaxy S7 will be released with three different processors

Samsung is continuously working on improving their smartphone, looking at it on its main competitor from Cupertino. Apple's smartphones released this year from two different manufacturers. If the information is confirmed, the new flagship of the South Korean also receive a number of different CPUs, not two, but three.

One embodiment of the device, designed for emerging markets, will receive SoC Exynos 7422, which is expected to debut in Galaxy Note 5. The second option Galaxy S7 will be based on Exynos 8890 processor with eight cores Mongoose. His company is preparing to implement in their own country, but also in Japan and Europe. And another version of the smartphone Galaxy S7, which will be delivered to the markets of the US and China, will be equipped with the SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 quad-core CPU.

According to unconfirmed reports, running at 2.4 GHz Samsung Exynos 8890 SoC is one of the fastest on the market. The peculiarity of this SoC, also known under the designation Exynos M1, is the use of the CPU cores Mongoose, developed by Samsung. The processor, however, is inferior to the performance in single-threaded mode Apple A9, established in iPhone 6s.

Whatever it was, if that information is true, it will be the first time that Samsung will release a flagship smartphone in three versions with different processors.

However, even if the company will release Galaxy S7 earlier than usual, before reaching the finish line in the development of the new device will still be many months. During this time, it can change and design, and hardware base of the smartphone. Therefore, all the rumors about the future of the device should always be treated with a certain degree of skepticism.

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