Friday, September 11, 2015

iPhone 5S 8 GB will be launched in 2015

In an era in which smartphones require users to have at least 32 GB of storage or expansion slots available space, Apple is preparing to launch iPhone 5S 8 GB.

It seems that Apple plans to launch iPhone 5S 8 GB in December, just before the holidays, but a few markets that are developing it will be available from then and talk about China India and several other Asian markets or African.

Apple has discontinued the iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S 8 GB is to replace it in its offer and the mobile operators, the new terminal will be more expensive than the model 16 GB terminal iPhone 5C sold until recently by those of Cupertino.

iPhone 5S 16GB is sold for 500 dollars in India, exceedingly high compared to what it offers terminal, so the iPhone 5S 8 GB will probably be $ 50 cheaper, and again talk about overpriced which gives this great smartphone users.

Although the desire Apple is more effectively compete with Samsung and other manufacturers of mobile terminals, the idea of selling an iPhone 5S 8GB priced at $ 450 seems stupid, but certainly there will be people interested to buy terminal Americans.

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