Monday, September 21, 2015

10 tips to increase battery life of iOS 9

These 10 tips to increase the battery life of iOS 9 could prove to be extremely useful for you, especially as we are talking about an operating system that seems to have left a lot of people with a "bitter taste" because it generates excessive consumption of energy.

On the Internet a lot of people complain because iOS 9 battery life and this is expected considering that Apple is implementing a number of new functions that consume more energy, but of course for any problem of this kind there is a series of troubleshooting.

In what follows I will explain 10 tricks that increase iOS 9 battery life in just a few simple steps and you could enjoy even a doubling of it depending on what deactivated terminals of your 'daily use of the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch's.

1. Restore

Always I recommend everyone not to use backups in case of operating system updates as backups important information not only important but also problems.

In case of migration from iOS 8 to iOS 9 backup import a new operating system settings from an old one and this always generates problems. If autonomy can talk about services that work pointless about who knows what bug running a service constantly, or who knows what other problems, such as performing a restore with choosing the option Set as New is always a good way to get rid of issues.

2. Identifying which applications consume battery

In iOS 9 Apple maintained and improved function Controller allows us to identify which of the installed operating system applications consume the most energy during everyday use.

This menu is available in Settings> Battery> Battery Usage or Setup> Battery> Battery use and as you can already see from the above picture, he displays what percentage of battery is used by various applications.

3. Disabling 3G / 4G / WiFi / Bluetooth / GPS or notifications

Although the new iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch's are made to have autonomy better on 4G than in 3G, unfortunately cover the bad in our country can generate higher consumption than in 3G networks, terminals constantly seeking signal so disabling it is recommended in areas with weak signal.

Switching to Wi-Fi will say it is better to turn off the function when you do not have any HotSpot around since terminals constantly scan networks and unnecessarily consume battery in an attempt to find one.

The same goes for Bluetooth function that consumes energy unnecessarily unless you have another compatible terminal around which to connect.

Notices on the other hand consume energy as they use the data network, applications and activates the screen when received, so if you really need the battery would be better to disable some of them in Settings> Notifications.

4. Limit access to GPS

iOS 9, iOS 8 if you want to go into details, Apple allows us to limit access to GPS applications only when you use them or allow them to use it always.

Not all applications have implemented the three options, but limiting access to GPS applications only when using ensure that they will not battery power when in the background to locate us when we do not need.

Exceptions to this rule are Maps, Waze, Google Maps and the like that can work in the background, but for applications forecasts, Taxi, Facebook, WhatsApp Messenger, etc, you should limit access to only moments using GPS.

5. Decrease screen brightness

If you do not use your iDevice off, then you are unlikely to need the brightness set to maximum and either choose to reduce it to a small value or use system that automatically sets the brightness.

Either of these two functions will improve battery life, the screen is the main energy consumer of any mobile terminal, brightness set by virtually defining energy users, because according to her current screen shoot it needs to function.

6. Reduce Motion - disabling parralax and motion effects to icons

Starting with iOS 8 Apple implemented a set great effects, but on how they are cool they are, on both energy consumption and disabling them will have a positive impact seriously not only on autonomy, but also on the performance iDevice sites .

Heading over to Settings> General> Accessibility> Reduce Motion or Configuration> General> Accessibility> Reduce movement and enabling this option, you eliminate the parallax implemented by Apple, and one that gives the sensation of movement for icons and wallpapers of their option natively being activated for all users.

7. Avoiding dynamic wallpapers

Submitted from iOS 8 wallpapers are dynamic and enhances the effects of which I spoke earlier. Apple has implemented the idea of providing us with the best possible user experience, but unfortunately they consume resources and autonomy, and if you need very high both would be wise to use only static wallpapers.

In Apple iOS 9 gives us and animated wallpapers for iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus, it consumes more battery power, so it is better to disable them if you need them.

8. Disable Automatic Background App Refresh and Downloads

Background App Refresh and Automatic Downloads are two services that allow updating in the background information within the applications deployed in iDevice our sites and automatically install applications if the same was done on PC or other iDevice / automatic installation of updates to available in App Store.

Both services constantly monitors Apple's servers to know if you need to make any operation in our terminals, and this consumes enough energy, which be better to avoid their improved who want autonomy.

9. Frequent Disabling unnecessary Locations and GPS services

Frequent Locations is a service that helps drivers quickly reach US at the destination, iOS monitoring the places where they led, and traffic information, guiding them to the destination as quickly.

It is not really that useful and consume resources. Disabling it is often recommended disabling information about WiFi, Traffic, Time Zone, iAds, use the Diagnostic and possibly People Near Me, only two are really useful service for searching the network and compass calibration cells.

10. Disable movements and Fitness - chips M7, M8 and M9

Movement and Fitness Function, is the one that controls the functionality of chips M7, M8 and M9 future, they follow us all the moves to retrieve data which is then displayed in the application health monitoring applications and other physical activities.

Disabling this feature has a positive impact on battery life because these chips will not retrieve data from constant GPS, accelerometer or gyroscope, performance is also improved.

That said, I expect to tell us whether or not improved battery life in iOS 9 after such changes.

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