Saturday, August 8, 2015

Microsoft introduced a tool for porting iOS-applications on Windows 10

In April this year, Microsoft announced the good news to developers - in Windows 10 can be easily and conveniently ported applications for Android and iOS. The tools that will make this transition possible, Redmond said nothing - until now.

A tool called Windows Bridge (formerly known as Project Islandwood). Preview version is already out (for Android - is by invitation only), all the code is available in open source, it can already be downloaded from GitHub. The yield of the final version is scheduled for autumn, during this time, Microsoft promised to examine and correct all errors that the international community will fans programming and development.

Applications for iOS can be converted into compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 format; until the end of the year and will be compatible with mobile devices. Thus, iOS-developers eventually will get access to Windows 10 audience enjoying desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

 And if the mobile audience is small Microsoft (Windows Phone are just 2.5-3% of the total number of smartphone users around the world), the position of "stationary» Windows still strong - only the first day of upgraded to Windows 10 14 million people.

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