Wednesday, July 1, 2015

iPhone 6C: a report claims that the body will be colored metal

Along with the generation "S", Apple may also release this year The New Generation "C", characterized by iPhone cheaper and colored, can embrace another slice of the market.

With regard to the iPhone 5C, there are differing opinions among Apple users. Some consider the smartphone a real flop, unacceptable for a company like that, while others, with sales figures in hand, can not definitely say the same because in the end smartphone has sold much of the competition.

One of the main criticisms made against the iPhone 5C is obviously the plastic shell. According to a new report, it seems that iPhone 6C Apple has cured. The company in fact, is expected to launch its new line of smartphones colored, slightly cheaper and less efficient models today, with a new metal body.

The report continues:

The iPhone 6C will be assembled by Hon Hai Technologies while the bodies of metal will be produced by Foxconn.

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