Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Here are some news about the next version of YouTube for iOS

Google is working hard on his client mobile YouTube. The latest update, for example, has finally introduced push notifications to iOS and support for full-screen playback of video vertical. It is known relay that Big G is currently testing a new version of YouTube for iOS, featuring a new design and new features. That's so five new next version of YouTube for iOS.

#1 – Material Design

The Material Design has not yet arrived on the iOS version of YouTube. Android, by contrast, is already available for some time. The first news you will see are the headers in red at the top, which echoes the color of the YouTube logo, and the new menu at the bottom that provides easy access to three new tabs: Home, Registration and Account.

# 2 - Card Home

Here it is where are placed the videos that YouTube believes may be of interest to users. The suggestions are based on the history of the video and also include playlist.

# 3 - Card Registration

The YouTube channel subscriptions are organized on this tab. Here users will find the latest videos uploaded from the following channels.

The section has been greatly improved, and appears to be less chaotic. Users will for example enable notifications for new videos of the channels used by them by tapping the icon in the shape of a bell.

# 4 - Card Accounts

The new Accounts tab includes playlists, history or videos. It also lets you access the settings to better manage push notifications for channels followed.

# 5 - Tools for creating video

For the first time ever via the YouTube app for iOS users can edit videos from their uploaded using a special set of tools.

For example, you can cutting videos, add music from the library to YouTube, edit images with filters and more. It also supported the video uploads, and therefore no longer necessary to use applications like YouTube Capture and Creator Sudio.

When the update launch?

An exact date has not been announced yet, although Google said that the new look of the application will "soon" also available for iOS.

Some users, however, have already had the opportunity to test the new version of YouTube. As? Thanks to a beta program, very similar to that offered by Facebook.

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