Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Videos Show The iPhone 6 Camera Quality Images Captured In 24 Countries

The camera present in the iPhone 6 has only eight megapixels, as well as his successors. This caused many users criticized Apple for not bringing an evolution in the question, but a camera is done through various aspects, not just the amount of megapixels.

That is the message that the company's apple plan to spend with his new video gallery showing how the iPhone 6 is a beautiful smartphone in photos and videos aspect, despite having one of only eight megapixel camera.

The videos above were made with the help of 70 photographers who traveled through 24 countries in search of perfect landscapes to serve as inspiration to be captured beautiful pictures and videos with the iPhone 6.

The result shown in the videos shows that the Apple smartphone is really very good to record beautiful pictures, and this makes the iPhone 6 is among the main market of devices for anyone who loves photography.

And in order to show that the images have good sharpness, for example, Apple decided to use the images captured by the iPhone 6 in various billboards and advertising pages around the world, which shows that the company really trust the quality of your phone .