Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Next Apple iPhone 7 will Dual Camera

Apparently and according to a Taiwanese website Apple Business Weekly claims have been developing the technology dual camera lenses for three years or more. But due to some problems encountered during development, it has made them delay their use, although it may actually be possible for the future iPhone 7. The information has been disclosed to the website by CEO Wen Xiaru company Altek , which has worked for HTC and Huawei technology of double lens to the camera in the past.

The problems have led Apple to delay the double lens

As I said at the beginning, Apple takes time to develop this technology, but there have been several problems that have led to delays and that the Cupertino have had to seek help from another company.

According to the CEO of Altek, problems are given by poor yields with the supply chain, which has forced Apple to delay technology. But apparently there are other problems more unfounded and that the Cupertino have been facing problems with blurred images due to the use of two different lenses. To find a solution is what Apple acquired the Israeli company LinX in April this year, nearly 20 million.

Despite these rumors and all arising problems, which can now be solved with the help of other companies, Apple plans to double camera on the iPhone are for the near future, but not this year 2015. This can forget that the twin lens camera in the iPhone comes equipped 6s and 6s Plus rumored, it may be incorporated into the next iPhone in July 2016.

It is not the first time he knows that Apple is working on improving the quality of the camera of the future iPhone, the camera is always one of the sections that try to improve with each new model and we all know that is one of the great attractions of apple smartphones, but this time he wants to go much further. Many users praise the quality of the camera, including photo galleries have been created with professional photographers from around the world, to show the quality that can be achieved with the camera of iPhone 6.

No doubt Apple smartphone stand for many things, are attractive because of their high finish and performance, but the camera is one of the highlights always points and the Cupertino want to go beyond improving the lens a bit and add a few megapixel resolution more. The dual-chamber offer a new approach, never better and see if it becomes feasible in the future iPhone 7 .

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