Friday, June 26, 2015

iOS 9 Beta 2 Much more stable!

As we know, the Beta 2 version of the new iOS 9 system was launched on Tuesday, all expected this improvement, since the Beta 1 left many questions about its stability, the end was only the first version of the system; However Apple leaves us pleasantly surprised with the presentation of IOS 9 Beta 2 as the version is much more stable and much more like a public version. Here we summarize the developments and improvements that were presented.

This new release of IOS 9 represents great progress compared to the first, unstable version; to begin we will enunciate all the news that they were finally presented:

  • The application that controls Apple Watch went from so called, only to be called "Watch".
  • Changed the accompanying description of the battery saving mode, he said in other words the same as already said before, so it's not such a profound novelty.
  • Continuity system back on multitasking system.
  • New buttons to continue and come back in the native iPad keyboard added.
  • In the settings, the search mode is much more detailed, including applications which Siri can search.
  • Podcast icon application was designed, now has stronger lines.
  • Searches done with third-party keyboards arranged.
  • The native mail application no longer stops when trying to print an email.
  • Much faster to backup.
  • Improved connections with Airplay.
As seen with the naked eye, this update includes many improvements, and of course that is reflected in the stability of the system, but as we saw in the summary of iOS 9 Beta 1 code was still untreated, thus consuming many resources and was not at all advisable to install it on your device for daily use.

After a few hours of testing we will show you our impressions on errors and reliability improvements of this new version:

The Good:
  • In general the system no longer has many flaws, or at least presenting failures are not as evident as in the previous version.
  • Stability problems with applications like Facebook Telegram or were resolved.
  • In older devices, and it looks much more fluid movement applications, which means that developers begin to debug the code.
  • Battery consumption performance improvement you have in iOS 8.
  • Privacy is enhanced, solving security problems.
  • The new version enables automatically remove applications in order to install an operating system upgrade.
The Bad:
  • Even small errors are fluent, but I was already much improved over the previous version.
  • WhatsApp still has some problems with the native keyboard.
In general, this version has a much more strict debugging code, so the operating system is much more fluid, although there are still problems are minor compared to device performance and battery issues largely resolved.

At this point it is difficult to recommend whether they should be or not with this operating system in their everyday devices, so if I say is that personally I have a few days more, for he has much liked his development and now if possible to have it in our iDevice everyday.

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