Tuesday, June 23, 2015

iOS 9 beta 2: Here all the news in one article

Today Apple released iOS 9 beta 2, the second version of the operating system that will be released in September for all. Beta 1 has already brought many new features that you can read here, we go to see what changes in beta 2.

1. Apple continues to keep the promises made at the conference on 8 June. iOS 9 will be easier to install, even on older devices that have limited space. In fact, thanks to the availability of the second beta, we find that from the first had been included a very useful feature for iPhone 8 and 16GB. This function is able to automatically delete all installed applications in order to make room for the firmware download. Then the same function, will be able to re-download all apps removed after the update successfully.

2. In Settings> General> We find the voice Search within which we can turn on or off the tips of Siri. Siri suggests applications, people, places, and more, even before you begin to write. Within this screen, as well as decide whether we want to or not an option, we can also decide which applications to draw selectively from the data, and which interface with the system.

3. In the first beta of iPhone iOS 9, the redesigned multitasking resulted in very fast scrolling and closing applications. Personally, I greatly appreciated the speed with which it could "launch" applications upwards to close them, however, the animations were too fast compared to all the other animations of the system. The beta 2 technically solve this "problem", by slowing it down slightly.

4. Add the icon to the Widget "Battery" in the notification center, which only appears when an Apple Watch is paired with your phone and that displays the battery level of both.

5. Change slightly the graphical icon Podcast

6. The application Apple Watch has been renamed to "Watch"

7. As of iOS 8.4 beta, also in this second beta of iOS 9 are already in the Music tab Radio Apple Music, however the service is not active yet.

8. On the iPhone has removed the option to decide whether to use the side button to activate and deactivate the ringer or whether to activate or deactivate the rotation lock. This innovation was introduced with the beta 1 but now no longer exists.

9. The entire operating system is more stable. The app does not seem to crash so frequently and the maximum volume of playback streams Within applications is now higher (in line with iOS 8.3). In iOS beta 9 1 fact, the sound was Often too low.

10. Research in the Mail has been repaired. Now you can search the text of an e-mail getting the results. Previously the results were not displayed.

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