Monday, June 8, 2015

iOS 9: 27 features that Apple did not comment much at WWDC

During the WWDC on Monday, 8, Apple excite the public with numerous innovations brought to iOS 9, OS X and El Captain, as was to be expected, did the public get even more excited about the launch of Apple music, streaming music service that the company was already promising a while. Read more after the jump.

However, the Cupertino company left out some important features of your presentation, they did not win a lot of space on stage.

Among the notable innovations not much commented during today's presentation, make highlights new APIs for games, support for CarPlay wireless, third-party notifications, audio drives and plug-in extensions, user interface testing in Xcode and much more. Check out the following list.

  • More settings for accessories;
  • Extensibility in searches;
  • Extension audio unit;
  • Plug-in extension for VPN;
  • Swift 2;
  • Customizing maps;
  • Direct shipping documents;
  • Interface testing in Xcode;
  • New shares in notifications;
  • Notifications of third parties;
  • smaller Apps;
  • Over an open app on the iPad;
  • Flyover and "step by step" in the Maps;
  • Compressed codes;
  • Apis new games;
  • Automation profiles;
  • Shortcut Bar;
  • New layout for the guides;
  • Contacts reoriented;
  • Apis new multitasking;
  • New profiles for HomeKit;
  • New options to iCloud;
  • Initial safety profile.
  • Historical references of your photos;
  • New security APIs for transportation;
  • CarPlay wireless;
  • Remote access to iCloud by HomeKit.

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