Saturday, June 13, 2015

Comparing screen readers: Hound vs Siri vs Google Now vs Cortana [Video]

Nowadays all operating systems have their own voice assistant, and in some cases even more, or those developed by third parties. A few days ago, for example, SoundHound presented its voice assistant called Hound. Read more after the jump.

 Obviously not all the assistants vowels are the same, or better, some are more accurate than others. Considering then the arrival of Hound, the Dutch site Typhone has made a comparison of the following screen readers: Hound, Siri, Google Now and Cortana.

The four assistants voice were evaluated based on these criteria: speed, correct interpretation, validity of the response, use of images and graphics and extra information.

Smartphones are used for video Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with Hound (beta), Apple iPhone 6 Plus with Siri, Moto G with Google Now and Nokia Lumia 930 with Microsoft Cortana.

This test, as well as many others, have certainly a relative value, in fact, much depends on the questions that are asked. The site Typhone nevertheless judged these four screen readers:

Surely surprising that the best in this test is Hound, especially considering it is currently in a beta version. That said, we leave the video of the confrontation:

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