Thursday, June 4, 2015

Apple stores will sell again fitness bracelets Jawbone

Later this year, Apple stopped selling smart bracelets Jawbone in their stores, but the company will return to market such bracelets in their stores starting this month - the UP2 and UP3 models, the Jawbone, they will be sold in retail stores. Read more after this jump.

During a presentation in Japan, the senior manager of the Jawbone products, Jason Donahue, told reporters gathered for the launch of UP2 fitness band that Japanese Apple stores will begin selling the product again in early July. The Mac Otakara blog confirmed that the device will be available in Apple stores from other countries such as the United States, even before that date, but no specific date was revealed.

Following the availability of UP2, Apple stores around the world also offer the UP3 model, according to the executive. Again, Donahue did not give any time frame for this bracelet model is released.

The UP2 Jawbono launched in mid-April as a medium-cost band offer, being an intermediary between the UP24 and UP3, high-end model with mobile payments service from American Express, which will be marketed soon.

Before the release of Apple Watch, Apple had canceled all sales of Jawbone bracelets in their retail stores, a strategy aiming to stop the competition "indoors". At the time, not only the bracelets Jawbone were banned from being sold in Apple stores, as well as all other wearables with certain functions of the watch.