Thursday, April 2, 2015

Return To Recent Applications From The Control Center

Everyone on their devices tend to use more frequently certain applications, and it would be convenient to be able to have a quick way to retrieve same. This is the goal that arises Return, a new Cydia tweak that allows you to recall the recent applications directly from the control center.

The tweak will come available in the next few days on Cydia, and introduces an interesting feature that goes to incorporate some sort of launcher inside the control center that goes back all the recent applications, allowing users to launch applications directly from recent the screen quickly. The tweak is to occupy the top of the screen of the control center in order to show that method of launching applications faster.

Installed the tweak you will find in the menu settings a special section where you will see a customization panel through which we can decide the number of icons shown, the direction of the scroll and other useful parameters to optimize its use. We take as messaging applications or other recalled that over and over again in the course of a day, Return introduces a new useful way to retrieve same. Return is available on Cydia directly from the BigBoss repository at a price of 0.99 dollars.