Thursday, April 30, 2015

Future Rooms For iPhone

Annual Apple iPhone terminals improves rooms and gives users new options to record better quality pictures and for the future of Cupertino are planning to offer surprises and interesting. Specifically, Apple plans in a few years to implement its terminals iPhone in a two-room system that allows record pictures in a completely new way.

Thanks to a published patent Apple recently registered learn that in future iPhones could have wide and telephoto cameras for recording great pictures. Currently only available in the world wide various accessories for iPhone or iPad can also provide features to users, but people at Apple have something more interesting in plan.

A compact telephoto lens system that may be used in a small form factor cameras. The lens system may include five lens elements with refractive power. Alternatively, the lens system may include four lens elements with refractive power. At least one of the object side and image side surfaces of at least one of the lens elements is aspheric.

In their praise for the technology or invention patent, Apple says that separate normal iPhone camera can be implemented small telephoto camera for recording pictures. In the picture above you have presented a possible implementation of a formula fairly rudimentary, and that because smartphones are sold now two rooms on the market and have a more appealing format.

For such a system to be very effective, Apple claims that the system can have an adjustable iris or a smart system for adjusting aperture, but it remains to be seen what will be achievable or not. To implement such components in Apple iPhone describe a telephoto system with 4 or 5 separate Lentini to refract light, the idea itself is extremely complex.

Total track length (TTL) of the lens system may be 6.0 mm or less. Focal length f of the lens system may be at or about 7.0 mm (for example, within a range of 6.5-7.5 mm). Lens elements are selected and configured so that the telephoto ratio (TTL/f) satisfies the relation 0.74

Apple has multiple patents for a variety of systems that can improve the way pictures are recorded using the terminal iPhone, but unfortunately none of them has been transformed into reality. Nobody knows whether this technology will ever reach iPhones Apple, but if Apple will be able to implement it, then surely will attract new types of consumers.