Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Here's How To Greatly Reduce The Battery Consumption In Case Of Emergency [Guide]

Given the increasingly complex and increasingly large screens with increasing resolution, the battery life of the device is subjected to our tests always the hardest. As for the iPhone, the introduction of iOS 8 can give a useful tool to combat the depletion of your office. Here's how.

One of the ways that can help us greatly to prolong the battery life in case of need is the mode introduced in iOS 8 Greyscale Of course, reducing the brightness of the screen is a good move, but it is often not sufficient in order to ensure that we charge necessary.

Greyscale mode (grayscale) can be enabled under Settings> General> Accessibility. Obviously it's inconvenient to have this mode set basic but it is useful to activate in an emergency to extend the life of the device.

If you like, also, you can create a shortcut to activate the grayscale mode.

Going to Settings> General> Accessibility> Accessibility Abbreviations, simply to flag Grayscale to activate it automatically 3 times by pressing the Home button.